Counter Strike Federation

G36C Texture Packs

Screenies :

Description :

1. Before
2. After Blur
3. After Chrome
4. In game Blur
5. In game Chrome
6. Left : Gold
7. Right : Beta Silver (Bad scope chrome T.T)

If u want the models? Just find a post on our Facebook fanpage that posted by KeenHide ^_^


PSG-1 & Ware


Preview: -

Download link: Mediafire 

NB: BONUS Inside !!!


Dimohon untuk member yang berencana membuat setup/rar CSPB untuk dibatalkan, karena itu sudah melanggar rules CSF. Sangat-sangat ane mohon untuk tidak membuat instalasi CSPB sendiri apalagi tanpa izin pihak CSF dan lebih parah lagi sampai dijual. Ini bisa berakibat buruk untuk kami, dan bila para member tetap melanjutkan niatnya, dengan berat hati CSPB resmi kami batalkan, dan tidak ada updatetan lagi.

Attention for the member who's planned to make setup or winRAR file CSPB please to cancel it because it was abusing the rule of CSF. I beg to you all to not make the installation without permission from CSPB itself and more worse if someone sell it,this could be bad for us, and if the member CONTINUED to making it,with heavy hearts we OFFICIALY CANCELED CSPB AND NO MORE UPDATE

AUG A3 G. Reload Animation


Video Preview:

Download link: Mediafire